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Asked by: Alice Vaughan
home and garden home appliancesIs it illegal to drain washing machine outside?
Most States it is illegal to dump greywater directly on the ground. Also, most States that allow the use of greywater, require that the system be designed and built by a licensed plumber certified by the State in Greywater treatment and disposal systemsl just any ole plumber will not due.
People also ask, is it legal to drain washer outside?
Most States it is illegal to dump greywater directly on the ground. Also, most States that allow the use of greywater, require that the system be designed and built by a licensed plumber certified by the State in Greywater treatment and disposal systemsl just any ole plumber will not due.
Moreover, how do I drain my washer outside?
- Step 1 – Turn off the power.
- Step 2 – Locate the drain hose at the back of the washer.
- Step 3 – Prepare your bucket and drain hose.
- Step 4 – Check for and remove all drain hose clogs.
- Step 5 – Check for deeper clogs in the drain or beyond.
- Step 6 – Inspect the washer pump.
- Step 7 – Inspect the washing machine lid switch.
A washing machine should not dsicharge into a soakaway. Soakaways are for rainwater, not household waste.