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Asked by: Lupita Wynands
technology and computing emailIs it illegal to look at someone else's computer files without their permission?
Also asked, is it illegal to hack into someone's computer?
Unauthorized computer access, popularly referredto as hacking, describes a criminal action wherebysomeone uses a computer to knowingly gain access todata in a system without permission to access that data.Hacking is illegal under both California and federallaw, and can result in heavy penalties.
Also Know, is putting a virus on someone's computer illegal?
The US Patriot Act (sec 814) offers punishment for thosewho damage or gain unauthorized access to a protectedcomputer, causing financial or medical damages. In mostcountries, it is NOT ILLEGAL to create a computervirus, but it is illegal to spread a computervirus.
Most people understand that it's illegal to openmail that's not addressed to them. Intentionally opening,intercepting or hiding someone else's mail is the felonycrime of mail theft. It comes with some heavyweightpenalties, including five years' incarceration in a federalprison.