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Asked by: Mimoune Eriz
medical health digestive disordersIs it normal for a 7 week old to drool?
Also know, is it normal for a 6 week old to drool?
Drooling and blowing bubbles is common in babies during the phase of development when getting what they need is centered on the mouth. This becomes especially apparent at 3 to 6 months of age.
Considering this, is it normal for a 2 month old to drool?
While it's true that drooling is very common for children around 2-3 months old, and typically lasts until a child reaches 12-15 months-s (roughly the same age that teething begins) drooling merely means your baby's salivary glands are starting to fire up after not being needed as much when eating easy-to-digest milk.
Drooling is normal in the first two years of life. Infants don't often develop full control of swallowing and the muscles of the mouth until they are between 18 and 24 months old. Babies might also drool when they're teething. Drooling is also normal during sleep.