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Asked by: Benno Asterain
style and fashion body artIs it normal for a nose piercing to hurt after changing?
Herein, how long should you wait to change a nose ring?
For this reason, most piercers recommend that youwait the maximum four months for nostril piercings and eightweeks for septum piercings before attempting to change thering yourself.
Keeping this in consideration, what happens if you change your nose piercing too soon?
Wait at least six months. Nostril piercings arenot very forgiving if you try to change the jewelrytoo soon. Not waiting long enough could result inirritation, a tear to the piercing channel, scarring,an increased risk of infection, or difficulty reinsertingthe jewelry.
You can stop following a twice a day aftercareschedule with saline once your nose piercing is entirelyhealed. Again, that can take up to 6 months, or even morefor some types of nose piercings, like a rhinopiercing. However, you should continue toclean the piercing regularly even after it is fullyhealed.