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Moreover, is it normal for my ears to hurt after stretching?
Simply put, yes! Skipping sizes or stretchingwhenyour ear aren't healed can cause a lot of problems. Thiscanintroduce infection, pain and bleeding, as well ashurtthe elasticity in your ears. When youstretchyour ears too quickly, you really aren'tstretching yourears, but tearing yourskin.
Subsequently, question is, how do you treat a swollen stretched earlobe?
The best way to do this is with hot sea salt soaks.Soakyour earlobes in a mixture of 1/8-1/4 teaspoon of sea salt peronecup of water for five to ten minutes every day untiltheyheal. NEVER apply alcohol, peroxide, or Bactine toyourears. They're too harsh and will killhealthycells.
Wash your newly stretched piercing twicedailywith glycerin soap. This will help remove the crusties andkeepyour piercing clean. Remember not to let anyone elseuseyour soap! Soak your piercing twice daily for three to fiveminutesin a warm sea salt solution.