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Asked by: Satenik Bakshtein
hobbies and interests woodworkingIs it OK to put furniture in front of baseboard heater?
Baseboard heaters typically need at least 12 inches of space in front of the heater. You can place a couch or chair in front of a heater, but it must be at least a foot away. A door that comes within 12 inches in front of a heater is a fire hazard, just like furniture that is too close to a heater.
Regarding this, how far does furniture have to be from baseboard heaters?
6 inches
Keeping this in consideration, how do you protect furniture from baseboard heaters?
How to Protect Furniture from a Baseboard Heater
- Cover the Heater. Make sure to always use a baseboard heater cover.
- Maintain the Heater. Conduct periodic baseboard heater maintenance to make sure the units are properly working so they do not damage the surrounding area or furniture.
- Position the Furniture.
Never put furniture in front of radiators - it will damage the furniture and stop the heat moving around the room. The same goes for curtains.