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Don't scold too often. Scoldingmakeschildren anxious and may make them ignore you. It mayalsoworsen the behavior. Never scold your childduringtime-out.
Similarly, can yelling at a child be harmful?
Result: yelling. New research suggeststhatyelling at kids can be just as harmfulashitting them; in the two-year study, effects from harshphysicaland verbal discipline were found to be frighteninglysimilar. Achild who is yelled at is more likely toexhibitproblem behavior, thereby elicitingmoreyelling.
- Place Your Child in Time-Out.
- Take Away Privileges.
- Ignore Mild Misbehavior.
- Teach New Skills.
- Provide Logical Consequences.
- Allow for Natural Consequences.
- Reward Good Behavior.
- Praise Good Behavior.
Furthermore, at what age should you discipline your child?
Discipline in its simplest forms can start assoonas 8 months of age. You'll know it's timewhenyour once powerless little baby repeatedly slapsyourface or pulls off your glasses…andlaughshysterically.
19 things you should never say to kids
- "I'm proud of you"
- "Good job!"
- "You should set a good example for your brother"
- "Wait until your father/mother gets home"
- "I will never forgive you"
- "I'm ashamed of you"
- "Don't worry, everything will be OK"
- "Here, I'll do it"