Asked by: Toncho Famoso
medical health sleep disorders

Is it OK to sleep during the day?

Is sleeping during the day bad for my health?It'snot a good idea to nap during the day (unless you feelsick),because you will likely have trouble falling asleep later.However,if you work during the night, you'll need tosleep 8-9hours during the day.

Thereof, is it good to sleep during the day?

The good news about napping—andthedownsides of nodding off mid-day. Sneaking insomesleep midday is linked to a long list ofbenefits,including improved mood, better memory, reduced fatigue,and evenlowered blood pressure. That said, naps aren'tforeveryone.

Furthermore, how much should you sleep during the day? While sleep requirements vary slightly frompersonto person, most healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hoursofsleep per night to function at their best.Children andteens need even more.

In this way, is it unhealthy to sleep during the day and be awake at night?

Staying awake at night and sleeping duringtheday for even just one 24-hour period can rapidly leadtochanges in more than 100 proteins in theblood,including ones that have an effect on blood sugar,immunefunction, and metabolism, the new study finds. Youknowsleep is important.

What is it called when you sleep during the day?

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affectsthecontrol of sleep and wakefulness. People withnarcolepsyexperience excessive daytime sleepiness andintermittent,uncontrollable episodes of falling asleepduring thedaytime. These sudden sleep attacks mayoccur duringany type of activity at any time oftheday.

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Sleeping can kill! In addition to theregulartaboos of drinking too much, smoking, eating poorly,andtoo much sitting, researchers have foundthatsleeping more than nine hours a day can havesomepretty scary side effects. Over a six-year period,regularoversleeping meant a 44 percent increased riskofdeath.

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Do naps make up for lost sleep?

Research has shown that just a few minutes ofshut-eyewill improve alertness, performance and mood, and a shortafternoonnap can make up for the loss of one hour ofnighttimesleep. Napping is a bit of an art, though.Here aresome rules for making that snooze a success: Try nottonap after dark.

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Is a 2 hour nap too long?

A: Naps are OK. But you'll probably wanttonap for less than an hour, and you'll probablywantto nap earlier in the day, like before 2 p.m. or3p.m. If you can power-nap for 15 or 20 minutes, so muchthebetter. Napping for an hour or longer increasesyourrisk of falling into the deep stages ofsleep.

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How much sleep does a 70 year old need?

Most healthy older adults age 65 or older need7-8hours of sleep each night to feel restedandalert.

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Can you catch up on sleep?

The good news is that, like all debt, with somework,sleep debt can be repaid—though it won'thappenin one extended snooze marathon. Tacking on an extrahour ortwo of sleep a night is the way to catch up.Asyou erase sleep debt, your body will cometorest at a sleep pattern that is specifically rightforyou.

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Is Night Shift bad for health?

Long-term night shift work is associated withanincreased risk of certain cancers, as well as metabolicproblems,heart disease, ulcers, gastrointestinal problems andobesity.People who work night shifts or rotatingshifts alsooften don't sleep enough, and long-term sleepdeprivation is knownto be bad forhealth.

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Is it bad to take naps?

Actually, naps are good for most people,Mednicksays. Her research shows a nap—defined asdaytimesleeping that lasts between 15 and 90 minutes—canimprovebrain functions ranging from memory to focus andcreativity.“For some people, naps are as restorativeas a wholenight of sleep,” she adds.

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Do naps count towards hours sleep?

More than 85% of mammalian species arepolyphasicsleepers, meaning that they sleep for shortperiodsthroughout the day. While naps do not necessarilymake upfor inadequate or poor quality nighttime sleep, ashortnap of 20-30 minutes can help to improve mood,alertness andperformance.

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What is it called when you can't stay awake?

Hypersomnia (Daytime Sleepiness) Hypersomnia,orexcessive sleepiness, is a condition in which a personhastrouble staying awake during the day. Non-24-HourSleep-WakeDisorder Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder is a specifickind ofcircadian rhythm disorder that is particularly common amongblindpeople.

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Will working nights shorten your life?

Of the women who worked rotating night shiftsformore than six years, 11 percent experienced ashortenedlifespan. Risk of death by cardiovascular diseasejumped by 19percent for those who worked this way for six to 14years and by 23percent for those who did so for 15 years ormore.

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What are the side effects of not sleeping at night?

Here are 10 surprising -- and serious -- effects ofsleeploss.
  • Sleepiness Causes Accidents.
  • Sleep Loss Dumbs You Down.
  • Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to Serious Health Problems.
  • Lack of Sleep Kills Sex Drive.
  • Sleepiness Is Depressing.
  • Lack of Sleep Ages Your Skin.
  • Sleepiness Makes You Forgetful.

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How long can you go without sleep?

approximately 264 hours

Reggie Nijinsky


How Much Is Too Much Sleep?

Too much sleep on a regular basis can increasetherisk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and death accordingtoseveral studies done over the years. Too much is definedasgreater than nine hours. The most common cause is notgettingenough sleep the night before, or cumulatively duringtheweek.

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Does day sleep increase weight?

People Who Eat and Sleep Late MayGainWeight
Staying up late, sleeping in every dayandeating after 8:00 pm may be risk factors in weight gain.Arecent study from Northwestern Medicine found that latesleepersconsumed 248 more calories a day, mainly at dinnerand laterin the evening.

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How do you know if you're sleep deprived?

Symptoms. When an individual does not getenoughsleep to feel awake and alert, they begintoexperience symptoms of sleep deprivation. The mainsymptomof ongoing sleep loss is excessive daytimesleepiness, butother symptoms include: yawning.

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Not getting enough sleep -- sometimes by choice--is the most common cause of excessive sleepiness. Working atnightand sleeping during the day is another. Other causesincludedrug, alcohol, or cigarette use, lack of physical activity,obesity,and the use of certain medications.

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Do muscles repair while awake?

Along with dietary protein to aid in musclerepairand new muscle growth, your body produces itsownmuscle-building hormones while you sleep,includinghuman growth hormone (HGH). The exercise-sleep connectionworksboth ways: Strength training itself can help you get abetternight's rest.

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What is the longest time a person has slept?

Randy Gardner (born c. 1948) set the record forthelongest a human has gone without sleep.In1964, Gardner, a high school student in San Diego,California,stayed awake for 11 days and 25 minutes (264.4hours.)

Lydia Folgar


Which age group requires the most sleep?

National Sleep Foundation Recommends New Sleep Times
Age Recommended May be appropriate
Teenagers 14-17 years 8 to 10 hours 7 hours 11 hours
Young Adults 18-25 years 7 to 9 hours 6 hours 10 to 11 hours
Adults 26-64 years 7 to 9 hours 6 hours 10 hours
Older Adults ≥ 65 years 7 to 8 hours 5 to 6 hours 9 hours