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Asked by: Lioudmila Ekkart
medical health eye and vision conditionsIs it OK to wear only one contact lens?
Then, is it OK to just wear one contact lens?
You just have lost one of your contactlens which means that your both eyes are short sighted. If youonly have one eye get short-sighted, there is no problem towear only one contact lens. But you are not, you'dbetter buy another pair of contact lens. You will feel dizzyafter you only wear one contact in oneeye.
Thereof, can I get contact lenses for reading only?
Reading glasses used to be the only optionavailable to contact lens wearers who wanted to read a menuor do other everyday tasks that require good near vision.But today, a number of multifocal contact lens options areavailable to eliminate your need to wear reading glassesover your contact lenses.
Do not use anyone else's contact lensesother than your own. Even if you have the same prescription, everylens fits differently. They can damage your eyes ifnot fitted properly – including colored contacts.Do not swim with contact lenses.