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Asked by: Artus Calzada
technology and computing smartphonesIs it possible to clone a phone number?
In respect to this, can you clone a phone number?
One method, phone cloning, lets youintercept incoming messages and send outgoing ones as if yourphone were the original. If both phones are near thesame broadcast tower, you can also listen in on calls. Toclone a phone, you have to make a copy of its SIMcard, which stores the phone's identifyinginformation.
Hereof, is it illegal to clone a phone?
A cloned cell phone is one that has beenreprogrammed to transmit the ESN and MIN belonging to anotherlegitimate cell phone. The legitimate phone user thengets billed for the cloned phone's calls. Call your serviceprovider if you think you have been a victim ofcloning.
Cloning has been shown to be successful on CDMA,but rare on GSM. However, cloning of a GSM phone is achievedby cloning the SIM card contained within, but notnecessarily any of the phone's internal data. GSM phones do nothave ESN or MIN, only an International Mobile Station EquipmentIdentity (IMEI) number.