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Thereof, can you legally disown your parents?
If you are a teenager, the legal waytodisown your family is to become "emancipated" fromthem.This means you'll be legally treated as an adultwiththe right to make your own decisions, and yourparentswill no longer be your legal guardians.Yourparents are abusive. Your parents are unable totakecare of you.
Furthermore, what is it called when you divorce your parents?
In family law cases, emancipation of a minor(alsocalled "divorce from parents") refers toacourt process through which a minor can become legallyrecognizedas an independent adult. There are also resourcesforparents, including a guide to when and if theirlegalobligations to emancipated children continue.
As children of divorced parents getolder,they may be pulled toward one parent or another andmay notwant to see the other parent. However, if achilddecides he no longer wants contact with hisdivorcedparents, he must become emancipated before hecanexercise a legal right to refuse contact.