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Asked by: Latifa Targownik
medical health hormonal disordersIs it possible to grow taller after 21?
Likewise, people ask, what age does a girl stop growing in height?
Girls grow at a quick pace throughoutinfancyandchildhood. When they reach puberty,growthincreasesdramatically again. Girls usuallystopgrowing andreach adult height by 14 or 15 yearsold, ora couple yearsafter menstruation begins.
Also, is there any surgery for height increase?
Most men wish they weretaller.Leg-lengtheningsurgery (also referred toaslimb-lengthening) is aradical new cosmeticprocedurethat can make short peoples'wish to be taller cometrue.Leg-lengthening is gaining inpopularity because itgivesguys (or gals) the chanceto gain a few inchesinheight.
Long-term use of HGH injections cancauseacondition called acromegaly. Adults cannotgrowtallerby using the synthetic growth hormone. Highdoseswillthicken the person's bones instead of lengtheningthem.People withacromegaly will experience an overgrowthofbones,particularly in the hands, feet, and face.