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Asked by: Mathis Scharpe
technology and computing emailIs it possible to send mail from Gmail to Yahoo?
Correspondingly, can mail be send from Gmail to Yahoo?
To set up Gmail to receive andsendmessages from your Yahoo Mail account: InGmail,select the gear icon and choose Settings. In the Checkmailfrom other accounts section, select Add a mailaccount. Inthe Email address text box, enter your YahooMailaddress, then select Next.
Similarly, it is asked, how do I transfer my emails from Yahoo to Gmail?
- Sign in to your Gmail account and then click the gearicon.
- Select "Settings" from the menu to open the Settings page.
- Select the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab to open theForwardingand POP/IMAP page.
- Click the "Add a Forwarding Address" button to open the AddaForwarding Address pop-up box.
Being the older of the two email services, itisunderstandable why Yahoo has more users thanGmail.2.Yahoo mail home screen shows more than emailswhileGmail focuses on emails only. 3.Gmail is betteratscreening spam than Yahoo mail. 4.Gmail offersPOPaccess for free while Yahoo mail provides thesamefor a fee.