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Asked by: Ametz Toennies
food and drink barbecues and grillingIs it safe to eat eggs dyed with silk ties?
In this way, how do you dye eggs with a silk tie?
Silk Dyed Easter Eggs Cut pieces of 100% silk large enough to cover an egg. Wrap as smoothy and tightly around egg as possible, with right side of fabric facing in, and secure with a twist-tie or piece of string. Repeat process, but wrap with a plain piece of lightweight fabric, like an old white pillowcase or sheet.
is it OK to eat dyed Easter eggs?
The short answer is yes, you can eat hard-boiled eggs that have been dyed. If you are treating your dyed eggs just like normal hard-boiled eggs, putting them in the fridge after dyeing and then using them for egg salad, you're good to go.
To help your eggs last, once you're done coloring them, store them unpeeled in an airtight container ($9, in the fridge. Hard-boiled eggs will keep for about one week. Not removing the shells protects them from lingering bacteria. Once you peel them, eat immediately!