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Asked by: Nazha Lintelmann
medical health hormonal disordersIs it safe to take Xanax with steroids?
Likewise, can I take methylprednisolone and Xanax?
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice may interactwithALPRAZolam and lead to potentially dangerous sideeffects.Do not drink alcohol while taking ALPRAZolam.Thismedication can increase the effects of alcohol. You mayfeelmore drowsy, dizzy, or tired if you take ALPRAZolamwithalcohol.
Besides, does prednisone interact with other medications?
Prednisone Interactions. Types ofdrugsthat are known to interact withprednisone include:Blood thinners, such as warfarin(Coumadin) Certain antifungaldrugs, such as fluconazole(Diflucan), itraconazole(Sporanox), and ketoconazole(Nizoral)
Anxiety can be triggered by alcohol or somedrugs.Medical conditions can also cause anxiety.Somemedicines can cause anxiety or make itworse.These include asthma medicines, caffeine and stimulantmedicines,and steroids such as prednisone.