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Asked by: Boumedien Paffgen
food and drink barbecues and grillingIs it safe to thaw a turkey on the counter overnight?
Correspondingly, is it OK to let a turkey thaw on the counter?
Turkey Basics: Safe Thawing. Turkeys must be kept at a safe temperature during "the big thaw." While frozen, a turkey is safe indefinitely. A package of frozen meat or poultry left thawing on the counter more than 2 hours is not at a safe temperature.
Also to know is, how do you defrost a turkey overnight?
Thawing turkey in a sink full of cold water is faster than thawing in the refrigerator, but it's not safe to leave it in the sink to thaw overnight. To thaw your turkey in the sink: Keep the wrapper on your turkey and put it in a large, leakproof plastic bag. Fill the sink with cold water and immerse the turkey.
For our favorite quick-thaw method, try submerging the turkey (breast-side down with its wrapping still on) in a sink or a cooler full of cold water, changing out the water every half hour.