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Moreover, which is correct shyer or Shier?
Both versions are acceptable in today's standardEnglish.In the 2002 CGEL page 1581: Monosyllabic dry and shy areoptionallyexceptions to the y-replacement rule, allowing either yor i beforethe suffix: dry ~ dryer/drier ~ dryest/driest and shy~shyer/shier ~ shyest/shiest.
what is the comparative form of shy?
The same is true with shy; more shyandmost shy are used fairly frequently and arenotungrammatical. Similarly, Merriam-Webster includes both theshyerand shier spellings because they are both fairly common,andneither can be said to be wrong.
adjective shyer, shyest, shierorshiest not at ease in the company of others. easilyfrightened;timid. (often foll by of) watchful orwary.