Asked by: Tahirou Mac
medical health pharmaceutical drugs

Is Kaiser Permanente available in Arizona?

Top 10 Kaiser Permanente Provider Specialties in Arizona:
Internist (99 providers) Emergency Doctor (90 providers) Family Doctor (85 providers) Pediatrician (Kids / Children Specialist) (44 providers)

Besides, what states have Kaiser Permanente insurance?

As of 2017, Kaiser Permanente operates in eight states (Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia) and the District of Columbia, and is the largest managed care organization in the United States.

Also, can you use Kaiser insurance anywhere? Emergencies can happen anywhere As a Kaiser Permanente member, you're covered for emergency and urgent care anywhere in the world. So plan ahead and find out what emergency and other medical services are available where you'll be visiting.

Beside this, will Kaiser cover me out of state?

Most Kaiser Permanente plans will still cover urgent and emergency care while you're outside your service area. If you're in one of these plans, you may be able to get routine, nonurgent services even if your school isn't near a Kaiser Permanente facility.

Is Kaiser Permanente public?

About Kaiser Permanente Kaiser Permanente is composed of Kaiser Foundation Health Plans (nonprofit, public-benefit corporations), Kaiser Foundation Hospitals (a nonprofit, public-benefit corporation), and the Permanente Medical Groups (for-profit professional organizations).

Related Question Answers

Iryna Mingacho


Can I use Kaiser Permanente out of state?

Most Kaiser Permanente plans will still cover urgent and emergency care while you're outside your service area. Note: Certain plans offer out-of-area dependent coverage. If you're in one of these plans, you may be able to get routine, nonurgent services even if your school isn't near a Kaiser Permanente facility.

Jenara Sokhona


Is Kaiser a PPO or HMO?

The HMO is a vanishing breed. The only surviving HMO of any size is Kaiser Permanente. Plus, there are a few small local HMOs. Since most of us have PPOs, it behooves us to know what this means, and how the PPO set-up plays out in real life.

Belkys Waltemode


Can you go to any hospital with Kaiser insurance?

Go to the nearest hospital or any facility that can give you the care you need. We'll cover urgent care at non–Kaiser Permanente facilities anywhere in the United States while you are temporarily outside of your service area.

Ora Markholenko


How much is Kaiser health insurance?

In 2018, Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) found the average premium for single coverage was $575 per month, or $6,896 per year. The average premium for family coverage was $1,635 per month or $19,616 per year.

Marca Jakushin


Can I buy Kaiser insurance?

Kaiser Permanente brings together competitively priced health plans with high-quality doctors and hospitals. Our health plans give you options to cover the benefits you and your family need. And at most Kaiser Permanente medical offices, you can get many services in one convenient place.

Jianyi Takacs


How does Kaiser make money?

Kaiser makes money when the patients are healthy. It costs much more when someone is sick, takes more medication, needs more tests and has more visits or hospitalizations. Kaiser does participate in clinical trials for medications and treatments that are being "tested".

Ayoze Lambton


Ludwing Blesz


Why is Kaiser Permanente successful?

We are constantly working to advance our system to better serve our members and improve their health. Kaiser Permanente is committed to helping shape the future of health care. We are recognized as one of America's leading health care providers and not-for-profit health plans.

Nunilon Safft


Is Kaiser Permanente a good insurance?

Kaiser Permanente has consistently good to excellent ratings in reviews and surveys of customer satisfaction. The one important caveat is the insurance is only available to residents of nine states in the US, and so the network is somewhat limited compared to many other health insurance companies.

Isabelino Guthier


Is Kaiser Permanente leaving Colorado?

Kaiser Permanente Colorado, a health insurer and provider, is leaving two of the state's counties due in part to its inability to strike contracts with hospitals, according to Summit Daily. Kaiser's population in Summit and Eagle counties is 4,400.

Patrycja Franzkoch


Does Walgreens accept Kaiser Permanente insurance?

Regardless of where you get care, you can fill covered prescriptions at any Kaiser Permanente pharmacy. MedImpact pharmacies include Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, Kroger, Safeway, and Costco, plus hundreds of independent pharmacies nationwide.

Neculai Naberan


Can you go to the emergency room with Kaiser?

If you need urgent care while outside a Kaiser Permanente area, you can visit an urgent care or retail clinic instead of a hospital emergency department. For help with filing a claim for reimbursement, visit or call the Away from Home Travel Line at 951-268-3900.

Izai Issel


Is ambulance covered by Kaiser insurance?

Kaiser Permanente covers the cost of an ambulance only when: The transportation is medically necessary; or. A Kaiser Permanente physician or other authorized staff member orders an ambulance or instructs you to call 911.

Itzan Tirador


Can you go to any hospital if you have Kaiser?

If you have Kaiser coverage, you must get your services at Kaiser, including medical, OB/GYN, vision, and prescriptions. However, if you have a medical or psychiatric emergency, you may go to the nearest hospital for emergency care, even if it is not a Kaiser hospital.

Ronaldo Car


Is Kaiser Permanente available in Nevada?

Urgent Care now available in Las Vegas. Kaiser Permanente has contracted with Concentra Urgent Care Centers and Walgreens Healthcare Clinics to provide you with quality medical assistance at 17 urgent care clinics in Las Vegas, including three right on the Strip. View our brochure for locations.

Nourelhouda Rojals


How does Kaiser urgent care work?

If you are sick or injured, you may have an urgent care need. An urgent care need is one that requires prompt medical attention but is not an emergency medical condition. Urgent care is not intended to be an after-hours primary care service. You do not need an appointment to visit an urgent care facility.

Nighat Alessandro


Is Kaiser Permanente in Tennessee?

Kaiser Permanente Doctors in Tennessee (TN) |

Algis Nezamutdinov


Is Kaiser expensive?

Kaiser's Obamacare rates surprise analysts. In California's new state-run health insurance market, Kaiser Permanente will cost you. The healthcare giant has the highest rates in Southern California and some other areas of the state, surpassing rivals such as Anthem Blue Cross and other smaller competitors.

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Is Blue Cross or Kaiser better?

While Kaiser provides insurance, manages hospitals and employs healthcare providers, Blue Cross Blue Shield is the parent brand for 38 separate insurance organizations. Yet comparing these two brands could provide insight into the way the public perceives each structure.