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Asked by: Pilar Afailal
music and audio sports play by playIs Karnataka State Open University B Tech degree Aicte approved?
In respect to this, is Karnataka State Open University approved by Aicte?
karnataka state open university( KSOU) isnot approved by AICTE (All India council of technicaleducation) . Karnataka State Open University isapproved by UGC.
Accordingly, is Karnataka Open University UGC approved?
Karnataka State Open University gets UGCpermission to run courses. Mysuru, Aug 10(UNI) Karnataka StateOpen University (KSOU) got recognition from theUniversity Grants Commission (UGC) for period of fiveyears from this academic year. The problem that was bothering theKSOU since 2013-14 has finally come to an end.
The KPSC issued letters to those who have graduated fromthe KSOU since 2013, stating that their qualification cannotbe considered as the courses have been derecognised by the UGC.Degrees obtained from the KSOU before 2013, however, arevalid.