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Asked by: Abdelazize Petim
food and drink healthy cooking and eatingIs Kesar good during pregnancy?
Likewise, people ask, is Almond good for pregnancy?
Rich in Vitamin E: It helps in the healthy formation ofhair and skin of the baby. Pregnant woman are said toacquire a resplendent glowing skin on the intake of almonds.Calcium: Since almonds are rich in Calcium, it helps inreducing the risk of hypertension and pre-eclamsia duringpregnancy.
Also Know, can we give Kesar to babies?
One of the most expensive spices, saffron orkesar is better known as the food of the royals.Babies as small as 6 months can be given a strand ofsaffron mixed with mother's milk.
Saffron has been identified as a substancefor inducing labor or abortion (2). In this respect,newer evidences have shown that the saffron can increase theuterine contractions (7,8).