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Similarly, is skills singular or plural?
The noun skill can be countable or uncountable.Inmore general, commonly used, contexts, the plural formwillalso be skill. However, in more specific contexts,theplural form can also be skills e.g. in referencetovarious types of skills or a collectionofskills.
Also Know, is equipment singular or plural?
The noun equipment does not have apluralform. It is used in the singular only, withasingular verb, and there is no word"equipments."Nouns like this are called "noncount nouns" (or"mass nouns") andthere are over 100 common nouns in thiscategory.
Evidence is evidence in pluralformalso. That is it is used as evidence insingular aswell as plural. This is similar to thewords like advice,furniture, baggage, luggage, jewellery.. I havecollected manyevidence to submit to the policeofficer.