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Likewise, is it safe for tourists in Kuala Lumpur?
Kuala Lumpur is, overall, a safe city.However, it is important to take standard precautions as you wouldin any other city. Remain vigilant, keep an eye on your belongingsat all times as petty crime, particularly purse snatching andpick-pocketing, is high in tourist areas.
Likewise, people ask, is Malaysia dangerous for tourists?
Malaysia is a relatively safe country. Violentcrimes are uncommon, however, assaults and robberies do occurrarely, sometimes involving weapons. The most frequent crimesagainst foreigners are purse snatching, pickpocketing, and otherspetty thefts.
Website says Kuala Lumpur is world's sixth mostdangerous city, readers disagree. PETALING JAYA: KualaLumpur is the sixth most dangerous city in the world, ifa list on the website is to be believed.