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Correspondingly, is Eufaula a man made lake?
Eufaula Dam is a dam across the Canadian RiverinOklahoma. Completed in 1964, it impounds Eufaula Lake,oneof the world's largest man-made lakes,covering102,500 acres (41,500 hectares).
Also, are all Oklahoma lakes man made?
All lakes listed areman-made.Oklahoma's only natural lakesare oxbow and playalakes. Oklahoma has sixty-twooxbow lakes atleast 10 acres in size. The largest, near theRed River inMcCurtain County is 272 acres.
A popular question asked by tourists ishowTenkiller Lake came by its unique name.Thelake was named after the Tenkillers, aprominentCherokee family who owned land and operated a ferryservice nearthe site where the dam now stands.