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Asked by: Ankor Small
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesIs lemon juice good after expiration date?
Moreover, is it OK to use expired lemon juice?
While it should still be safe to consume thejuicea few months after this date, it gives you a good ideaof how longthe juice will remain tasty. While lemonsare acidicenough to have their own preservative properties, theydo containwater, and water is a breeding ground forbacteria.
Herein, can bad lemon juice make you sick?
It can upset your stomach. While lemon juice contains a wide range ofhealthbenefits, squeezing too much in your water cancausedangerous side effects to your health includingworseningulcers and developing GERD, Livestrongreports.
To maximize the shelf life of freshly squeezedlemonjuice, refrigerate in a covered glass or plasticcontainer. Howlong does freshly squeezed lemon juice last intherefrigerator? Freshly squeezed lemon juice that hasbeencontinuously refrigerated will keep for about 2 to3days.