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Just so, is Lotus a water plant?
The Lotus plant is an aquaticperennial,native to southern Asia and Australia and most commonlycultivatedin water gardens. The plant has its rootsfirmly inthe mud and sends out long stems to which their leavesareattached. The leaves are sometimes, and Lotusflowersalways, raised above the water surface.
One may also ask, what is the difference between Lily and water lily?
In the world of flowering aquatic plants,nothingbeats a water lily or a lotus flower. Thebiggestdifference is that water lilies (Nymphaeaspecies)leaves and flowers both float on the water's surfacewhilelotus (Nelumbo species) leaves and flowers are emergent, orriseabove the water's surface.
Water lily, (family Nymphaeaceae), any of58species in 6 genera of freshwater plants native tothetemperate and tropical parts of the world. Most species ofwaterlilies have rounded, variously notched, waxy-coatedleaves onlong stalks that contain many air spaces and float inquietfreshwater habitats.