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Asked by: Prudenci Fussholler
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesIs Mellow Yellow being discontinued?
Likewise, people ask, do they make diet Mellow Yellow?
It is a citrus flavored soda similar to Diet Mountain Dew. Mello Yello Zero contains slightly less caffeine than regular Mello Yello, which contains 52.5mg/12 floz. can. Mello Yello Zero is sweetened with Aspartame, Ace-K, and Sucralose.
Subsequently, question is, is Mellow Yellow similar to Mountain Dew?
Mello Yello. It is a citrus flavored soft drink similar to Mountain Dew.
It was discontinued in 2011 in favor of a reintroduced Mello Yello. Also, Coca-Cola bought controlling interest into an established energy drink called Monster Energy. Due to the high cost of the acquisition, continuing to sell Vault would have taken sales away from a brand that they had more money invested in.