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Subsequently, one may also ask, what IQ do you need for Mensa?
Mensa's requirement for membership is a scoreator above the 98th percentile on certain standardised IQorother approved intelligence tests, such as theStanford–BinetIntelligence Scales. The minimum accepted scoreon theStanford–Binet is 132, while for the Cattell itis148.
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Consequently, is the Mensa IQ test accurate?
Mensa states that the reported IQscoresthat might be reported by these exams is notnecessarilyaccurate because someone with an extremely highIQmight get a score that is not accurate, while areportedscore in the 60 to 140 range is likely to bereasonablyaccurate. Mensa also accepts otherstandardizedtests.
The Mensa Admission Test costs $40,takestwo hours, and consists of two separate exams: theMensaWonderlic® and the Mensa Admission Test.Anyone scoringin the 98th percentile or higher on either gains theright to pay$70 per year for membership.