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Thereof, what rock is mercury found in?
Pure mercury is found in volcanicrocks, but mercury usually occurs in the mineralcinnabar (mercury sulfide).
Considering this, what does the mineral Mercury look like?
Mercury (element #80, symbol Hg)is a dense, heavy, silvery, metallic element whichis liquid at room temperature. Only three other elements(bromine, cesium and gallium) are liquid at or slightlyabove room temperature. Pure mercury is found mainly inassociation with the ore mineral cinnabar.
The symbol Hg that mercury is known bycomes from its Greek name, hydrargyrum, which means "liquid silver"— to reflect its shiny surface. The element is alsoknown as quicksilver for its mobility. Named after thefastest-moving planet in the solar system, mercury has beenknown to humanity for ages.