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Messi is definitely not thefastestfootballer in the world. 32.5 kph is also nowherenear thefastest man in the world, Usain Bolt.Bolt'sfastest ever speed is recorded as 44.72 kph (27.95mph), whichwould put his FIFA sprint speed at 123. In both cases,that's threetimes faster than Messi.
Likewise, people ask, what animal is faster than Usain Bolt?
A cheetah being the fastest landanimalcapable of attaining 70 miles per hour, would be about46.5 milesper hour faster than Usain who averages 23.5mph.Throw in anAntelope, Lion, Wildebeest, and a Quarter Horse (anAmerican breedof horse very good in short sprints) and MrBolt would bequite a distance behind.
Similarly, you may ask, who is faster Messi or Ronaldo?
In short, Messi is more agile[3]whileRonaldo is faster[4]. Who is the bestplayer,Messi or C.Ronaldo?
Usain Bolt