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Asked by: Renjie Vanechkin
technology and computing desktop publishingIs Microsoft Publisher part of Office 2010?
Then, is Publisher part of Microsoft Office?
With Office 365 subscription plans you get thefully installed Office applications: Word, Excel,PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, and Access (Publisherand Access are available on PC only). Current Officeapplication versions for Office 365 and Office 2016are available for both Windows and Mac.
Accordingly, which Microsoft Office has publisher?
Microsoft Office 365 Home includePublisher. Go to Cortana try typingPublisher.
Microsoft Office 2010. Microsoft Office2010 programs (clockwise from top-left): Word, Excel, OneNote,PowerPoint on Windows 10; together, these four programs make up theHome and Student edition. Microsoft Office 2010(codenamed Office 14) is a version of the MicrosoftOffice productivity suite for MicrosoftWindows.