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Asked by: Irish Meindel
technology and computing antivirus softwareIs Microsoft Visual C++ safe?
Correspondingly, do I need all the Microsoft Visual C++?
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is a set of runtime library files used by many programs installed in the PC, even a part of Windows. Uninstalling them will definitely stop all those programs that depend on them from working. In such event, you will need to install the required version again.
In this way, can I remove all Microsoft Visual C++?
In the search field at the top right, type in "c++ redist" (without quotations). Uninstall everything that shows "Microsoft Visual C++" and "Redistributable" (which should be the entire search results list).
Microsoft visual c++ 2008 redistributable is a set of DLLs that are used by some other software installed on your computer. If you uninstall it there is a chance that one of your installed programs will stop running.