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Beside this, what are symptoms of Mthfr gene mutation?
Symptoms of a MTHFR mutation
- cardiovascular and thromboembolic diseases (specificallybloodclots, stroke, embolism, and heart attacks)
- depression.
- anxiety.
- bipolar disorder.
- schizophrenia.
- colon cancer.
- acute leukemia.
- chronic pain and fatigue.
Regarding this, what does the Mthfr gene mutation cause?
The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR)gene contains the DNA code to producetheMTHFR enzyme. This test detects two of the mostcommonmutations. When there are mutations orvariations inthe MTHFR gene, it can lead to seriousgeneticdisorders such as homocystinuria, anencephaly, spinabifida, andothers.
Here's what we know about MTHFR. TheMTHFRgene contains instructions for making an enzymethat'simportant for metabolizing folate (also called folicacid orvitamin B9). MTHFR also helps our cellsrecyclehomocysteine, a chemical in the blood, into methionine, abuildingblock for proteins.