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Asked by: Yarey Pituhin
technology and computing data storage and warehousingIs pendrive flash memory?
Subsequently, one may also ask, which is better flash drive or pen drive?
Colloquially, people may refer to a flashdriveand pen drive as if they are the same device. Themajordifference between a pen drive and flash driveisthat a pen drive is generally only used as amobileUSB storage device, whereas a flash drive hasmanydifferent uses for data storage.
Also, what kind of memory is pendrive?
Pendrive or commonly called as USB(UniversalSerial Bus) flash drive is a popular datastoragemedia having a storage capacity of 512GB. Thisis a kindof memory card that can be plugged into thecomputers USB portand they are considered to be the best becausethey are faster,smaller and have longer life span.
Pen drives are called asflashdrives because the type of memory used inpendrive is flash memory. Flash memoryisnon-volatile therefore no power required to retain the datainother words data is not lost when there is no power andprovidesfaster read and write cycles.