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Just so, is squash a dangerous sport?
I purportto remember a Reuters news dispatch from 1983, listing the sportsmost likely to cause a heart attack. Squash was number one.Playing squash is every bit as intense as hockey, fencing,or basketball, to name some super-high-intensitysports.
In this manner, is playing squash good for you?
Health benefits of playingsquash improve cardiovascular health. A game ofsquash can see you running, leaping and diving forthe ball increase strength and fitness maintain a healthyweight increase flexibility and strength in the back promotegood coordination, agility and flexibility buildhand–eye coordination.
Depending on how hard you play, some estimatethat you can burn 517 calories per 30 minutes. Thatmeans if you were to play for an hour, you couldburn well over 1,000 calories. For this reason,many players use squash as a way to maintain ahealthy weight. The sport also demands anaerobicendurance.