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Besides, is Pomona College prestigious?
Pomona is the only small liberal artscollege in the Top 10. Established in 1887, Pomona isknown for its quality academic programs, a challenging curriculum,close relationships between students and faculty and a range ofstudent research and leadership opportunities.
Correspondingly, is Claremont McKenna an Ivy League school?
Claremont McKenna College —10.35% Located in Southern California, Claremont is asmall liberal-arts college. Its acceptance rate is lowerthan those of Cornell and Dartmouth.
Founded in 1963, Pitzer College is a top-rankedliberal arts and sciences college. The Collegeemphasizes environmental and interdisciplinary studies, the arts,humanities and social, behavioral and natural sciences. PitzerCollege celebrates cultural diversity and interculturalunderstanding.