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Similarly, does ash contain lye?
Collect the Ash To make this type of lye, you need the whiteashes from hardwood fires. Collect ash from firesthat burned wood such as ash, hickory, or beech. Softwoods,such as pine, spruce, or fir, do not contain enoughpotassium, which is necessary for makinglye.
Also asked, what is lye used for?
Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda orlye, is a highly versatile substance used in avariety of manufacturing processes to make other products likepaper or aluminum, for example.
Potash is used widely in differentindustries so what is potash is a common question asked byboth soap makers and non soap makers. Potashis simply potassium an alkaline salt that can occursnaturally and is mined, or can be produced from plant ashes.Potash on it's own can never make solidsoap.