Asked by: Baltazar Morga
automotive auto parts

Is power steering fluid the same as power trim fluid?

Does this mean that automotive pwr steering fluid can be used in trim pumps They both seem to be about the same viscosity. The trim pump works off a fluid. Water would work if it had some lubricating and anti-corrosion properties.

Just so, can I use power steering fluid in my power trim?

You will be fine. If there is any change in the speed of the the tabs, that will be short lived until the fluids gets all mixed together. Chances are you won't notice any difference. ATF and power steering are pretty close in viscosity, 30wt motor oil is way more viscous.

Furthermore, can you use regular power steering fluid in a boat? No diff. other then marine has a additive for moisture. If you get moisture in your system, you have other problems.

In respect to this, what kind of fluid goes in a power trim?

For the power tilt and trim the recommended fluid is Quicksilver power trim and steering fluid #92-90100A12. If unavailable use 10W-30 or 10W-40 motor oil. I'm not aware of any white fluid, you need to make sure that you don't have any leaks letting water in and turning the oil a milky white.

What can I use for tilt and trim fluid?

Dextron ATF is a good substitute for outboard tilt and trim oil, especially since the tilt-trim unit is a hydraulic system. As a substitute, Penzoil company has a marine tilt-and-trim hydraulic fluid that can be used for power steering and tilt-and-trim systems.

Related Question Answers

Hur Sogues


What is the difference between tilt and trim?

The difference between tilt and trim on a boat is referencing the location of the outboard or the drive of the inboard. Trimming is used when underway and goes about 20 degrees of the way up and tilting is coming all the way up for storage.

Dace Beimesche


How do you bleed power trim and tilt Mercury?

Turn on the power trim system. Use the power trim control switch to raise your motor. Engage the tilt support lock. Remove the fill cap for the power trim reservoir an ensure that the fluid level reaches the bottom of the fill hole.

Asiel Poticha


How do you drain a Yamaha tilt and trim?

Remove the fill plug and using a turkey baster with a short piece of hose on the end of it, remove all the old fluid and crud at the bottom.. Refill with Dextron 2 ATF or suitable hydraulic fluidthen purge the system using this procedure: Filling: To properly check the fill, the trim/tilt rams must be extended.

Nouhoum Robishaw


How do I add oil to my Yamaha power trim?

Then you just remove the hydraulic fluid fill screw near the top of the trim reservoir and add fluid until it starts to overflow. Then trim the motor up and down, try to add a little more fluid and trim it up and down again.



What is SAE j1171 Marine?

Re: what is sae j1171. SAE stands for Society of Automtive Engineers. Basically it's a society of engineers that is a stamp of approval.

Janetta Urquijo


How do you get air out of tilt and trim?

Bleeding: OB tilt/trim units are "self-bleeding" and you should always perform these "purge cycles" to follow even if you don't need to add any more fluid. To purge/check, remove the tilt lock (if engaged) and cycle the OB down by "jogging" it down, in 2-3 seconds runs.

Preslava Hehrein


What does power tilt and trim mean?

Power tilt is for low speed operation and saves the back while on the trailer. Power trim means you can adjust motor at full throttle. You can buy motors with just power tilt.

Agripina Saban


How do you manually raise an inboard outboard motor?

How to Manually Raise an Inboard Outboard Motor
  1. Turn the engine off.
  2. Reach to the back of the engine housing to the back transom -- the very back edge of the boat.
  3. Stand at the back of the boat and have an assistant stand to the other side.
  4. Push the lock pins you unscrewed from the motor through the trim settings in the cowling area.
  5. Close the cowling.

Ayla Lot


What is tilt and trim on outboard?

Most boats handle best when running parallel with their at-rest waterline. Accordingly, outboards and sterndrives feature a power trim adjustment that allows you to change the engine's angle of thrust by tilting it "out" or "in" in relation to the transom in order to maintain the proper running angle.

Boujama Aunkofer


Why is my tilt and trim not working?

If the motor operates, then the problem is a lack of power to the motor (faulty solenoid or relay, bad connections, etc.). Failed solenoids, relays and corrosion (at connections, relay sockets, quick-disconnect plugs, etc.) are some of the most common problems associated with tilt and trim system failure.

Abubakar Piasecki


How do you bleed a tilt trim on a Yamaha?

Bleeding: OB tilt/trim units are "self-bleeding" and you should always perform these "purge cycles" to follow even if you don't need to add any more fluid. To purge/check, remove the tilt lock (if engaged) and cycle the OB down by "jogging" it down, in 2-3 seconds runs.

Crisanto Polizzi


Do I need hydraulic steering on my boat?

A hydraulic steering system is recommended for larger boats 10 metres and above in length and those moving at high speeds. The torque (or force) of a large outboard motor means it can be difficult to bring out of a turn or veer sharply from heading straight with mechanical steering.

Irmgard Neureuther


What is trim limit switch?

Trim Limit/Trim Position
Sender Switches. The trim limit (TL) switch is located on the left side of the gimbal housing. This switch permits only a limited amount of outward trim travel to provide safe control at high speeds and prevent damage to drive unit or trim cylinder due to lost side support of drive unit.

Nicanor Manco


How do I add fluid to my Yamaha tilt trim?

Then you just remove the hydraulic fluid fill screw near the top of the trim reservoir and add fluid until it starts to overflow. Then trim the motor up and down, try to add a little more fluid and trim it up and down again.