Asked by: Fozia Wringer
business and finance legal services industry

Is PwC a LLC?

PwC is the brand under which the member firms ofPricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operateand provide professional services. Together, these firms form thePwC network. The PwC network is not a globalpartnership, a single firm, or a multinationalcorporation.

Keeping this in consideration, what type of business is PwC?

PricewaterhouseCoopers (doing business asPwC) is a multinational professional services network withheadquarters in London, United Kingdom. PwC ranks as thesecond largest professional services firm in the world and is oneof the Big Four auditors, along with Deloitte, EY andKPMG.

Additionally, why do you want to join PwC? Our company is the perfect place to expand your networkand to meet new friends and people from whom you can learn.PwC provides many opportunities and tools for employees todevelop their professional skills and enhance their leadershipperformance.

In this manner, where was PwC founded?


Why is the W in PwC lowercase?

Maybe because the firm is a result of a merger betweentwo firms, Price Waterhouse and Coopers and Lybrand. Therefore, the“W” in Waterhouse is written as a lowercase because it is based on “Price Waterhouse”, andthe “C” is written as an upper case because it is basedon the other firm, “Coopers and Lybrand”.

Related Question Answers

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What does PwC assurance do?

Assurance Support: Assurance NationalQuality Organization (NQO) At PwC, our purpose is to buildtrust in society and solve important problems. A role in ourAssurance NQO provides the opportunity to engage in a broadarray of high-impact accounting, auditing, financial reporting andcapital markets-related issues.

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Where is PwC US headquarters?

This site is provided by PwC, whose registeredaddress is 300 Madison Avenue, New York; New York 10017.Telephone: +1 (646) 471 4000.

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What is considered a professional service?

Professional services firms exist in manydifferent industries. They include lawyers, advertisingprofessionals, architects, accountants, financial advisers,engineers, and consultants, among others. Basically, they can beany organization or profession that offers customized,knowledge-based services to clients.

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What is PwC connect?

PwC Connect at the University ofArizona
PwC Connect has been uniquely designed to exposehigh performing, traditionally underrepresented minority, veteranor individuals with disabilities to the professional servicesprofession.

Encarnita Lissarri


How many employees does PwC have in the US?

Firm Facts. Our people are the heart of ourorganisation. More than 250,000 people in 158 countries workingtogether to build trust and solve problems for clients and thecommunities in which we live and work.

Anatolii Karsting


What is PwC mission statement?

PwC's purpose. PwC strives to build trustin society and solve important problems. It defines the differencewe seek to make in the world—it's why we do what wedo.

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What is advisory services in PwC?

Advisory services. PwC advisory practice,which comprises Deals and Consulting, is the partner of choice toassist global, local clients and governments.

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Who are PwC competitors?

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)'scompetitors
PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)'s topcompetitors include Accenture, Porsche Consulting, KPMG, EY(Ernst & Young) and Deloitte.

Andries Lahfa


Who runs PwC?

About Bob. Robert (Bob) E. Moritz has been named the newGlobal Chairman of PwC International Limited (PwC-I)effective July 1, 2016. He is currently the Chairman and SeniorPartner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the US member of thenetwork.

Marinus Benner


How many PwC offices are there in the world?

With offices in 158 countries and more than250,000 people, we are among the leading professional servicesnetworks in the world. We help organisations and individualscreate the value they're looking for, by delivering quality inassurance, tax and advisory services.

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Who is CEO of KPMG?

Lynne Doughtie is U.S. Chairman and CEO of KPMG— one of the world's leading professional servicesfirms.

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What is PwC management consulting?

Consulting overview
PwC Management Consultants provide innovativesolutions focused on mergers and acquisitions, operations,customer, sales and marketing, human capital and changemanagement, finance, and program and portfoliomanagement.

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Who is the CEO of PwC India?

Russell was previously the CEO of KPMGIndia. He will be based in Mumbai. Welcoming Russell, DeepakKapoor, Chairman PwC network of entities in Indiasaid, “We are delighted to have Russell join our AssuranceLeadership Team and are looking forward to sharing his extensiveexperience.

Alodia Fontestad


What does PwC India do?

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust insociety and solve important problems. We're a network of firms in157 countries with more than 223,000 people who arecommitted to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and taxservices. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visitingus at