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Simply so, who described poet's poet of 19th century?
The early 19th Century saw the blossoming ofthegreat Romantic poets such as Keats, Shelley andWilliamWordsworth. In America there was also a powerful movementofpoets, loosely termed “EarlyAmericanPoets” these included Emily Dickinson, RalphEmersonand Walt Whitman.
Herein, what type of poet was Robert Frost?
Robert Frost probably has the mostnamerecognition of any American poet ever. His best-knownworksinclude “The Road Not Taken” and “StoppingbyWoods on a Snowy Evening,” both of which havebecomesynonymous with the genre of nature poetry.Frost,though, was much more than just a naturepoet.
Robert Frost 1874 - 1963. Frost ishighlyregarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and hiscommandof American colloquial speech. Most of his poetryhassettings from rural life in New England in the early 20thcentury.He used them to examine complex social and philosophicalthemes inhis poetry.