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Subsequently, one may also ask, is Scootaloo related to Cheerilee?
However, her color scheme is based on that ofSparkleworks, another Generation 3 Earth pony. Scootaloo isalso Cheerilee's younger sister in Generation 3; inGeneration 4, Scootaloo and Cheerilee have noindicated familial relationship, and Cheerilee has a twinsister named Cherry Blossom.
One may also ask, does Scootaloo ever fly?
Scootaloo can't fly because she lacks thelight bones of a pegasus, and has the heavy bones of an earthpony.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders fillies—AppleBloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle—try to earn their cutiemarks via ziplining, but their attempt ends in failure.The high life did not suit her well, and after seeing arainbow that pointed her back to Ponyville, she returnedhome, getting her cutie mark on arrival.