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Asked by: Eckhard Alonso De Linaje
business and finance mechanical and industrial engineering industryIs screwdriver a lever?
Similarly one may ask, what kind of simple machine is a screwdriver?
But with a screwdriver, you can turn the screweasily. A screwdriver makes use of a simple machineknown as the wheel and axle. A wheel and axle is a simplemachine made of two circular or cylindrical objects fastenedtogether that rotate about a common axis.
Secondly, is a screwdriver a first class lever?
There are three classes of lever 1st, 2nd and 3rdclass. First class levers have the fulcrum betweenthe force and the load. In using a screwdriver to lift thelid from a paint tin you are moving the effort over a greaterdistance than the load.
In a wheel and axle, the fulcrum is in thecenter. The outside rim of the wheel is like the handle of alever; it just wraps all the way around. A pulley is justwhat it looks like, a wheel and axle with a groove to hold arope around the outside edge. A lever helps you do more workthan you could do by yourself.