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Considering this, what is the form of Sonnet 29?
Sonnet 29. That then I scorn to change mystatewith kings. Sonnet 29 is written in thetypicalShakespearean sonnet form, having 14 lines ofiambicpentameter ending in a rhymed couplet.
- Sonnet: A sonnet is a fourteen lined poem usually writteniniambic pentameter.
- Couplet: There are two constructive lines of verse in acouplet,usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme.
- Rhyme Scheme: The rhyme scheme followed by the entire sonnetisABAB CDCD EBEB FF.
Also, do sonnets have to be in iambic pentameter?
Every sonnet rhymes and has 14lines(usually in iambic pentameter), but nearly everythingelsecan and has been changed up. This means that youonlyneed to find two words for each rhyme. Each line isiniambic pentameter, which means there are usuallytensyllables and five “beats” (stressed syllables)perline.
Shakespeare's sonnets consist of3quatrains (4 lines each) -12 lines total, followed by1couplet (2 lines) - 14 lines total.