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Asked by: Cyril Ramisch
home and garden landscapingIs spectracide Triazicide granules safe for pets?
Keeping this in view, is spectracide Triazicide safe for plants?
Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns & Landscapes (Ready-to-Use) features a long-lasting formula that kills 130+ listed insects on contact. It is ideal for use on lawns and landscapes. It is formulated for use in home lawns, trees, shrubs, roses, flowers and vegetables.
People also ask, how do you use spectracide Triazicide granules?
Directions For Applying Apply a 3- to 5-foot band of granules next to the house foundation. Distribute granules uniformly. Water lightly immediately after application. Apply at the rate of 0.8 lb per 1,000 sq ft (an area 5 ft x 200 ft).
When used as labeled, the Triazicide products bearing updated labeling (stickered and/or revised) prohibiting application of the products to lawns within 100 feet of a coastal marsh, or stream that drains directly into a coastal marsh should not cause unreasonable adverse effects to humans or the environment.