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Simply so, what happens if you eat steel wool?
“Once consumed in food, the tiny steel woolparticles leave particles right from the mouth through to thethroat, liver or intestines which could cause affect those parts aswell as fistulas in extreme cases.”
Also question is, what is steel wool used for in survival?
Steel wool is commonly used to removepaint, lacquer and polish metals. The very first spark from thefiresteel causes the steel wool to ignite. We can place thesteel wool with other tinder and start a fire by blowing onthe steel wool.
Some steel wool and a 9-volt battery willdo the trick. Just touch the positive and negativeterminals of the battery to the steel wool, and itwill start to glow and smolder (the 9-volt battery issending a current through the thing strands of steel wool).Add some kindling, and you have the start of afire.