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Simply so, how long will a sprained ankle stay swollen?
If your sprained ankle is moderate (a grade2sprain), it may take you two to three months torecover.You'll need to take care, as you may be prone to sprainingyourankle again in the first four to six weeks whileyourecover. You may notice some pain and occasionalswellingfor some time afterwards.
Considering this, how do you reduce swelling in a sprained ankle?
- Rest. Avoid activities that cause pain, swellingordiscomfort.
- Ice. Use an ice pack or ice slush bath immediately for 15 to20minutes and repeat every two to three hours whileyou'reawake.
- Compression. To help stop swelling, compress the ankle withanelastic bandage until the swelling stops.
- Elevation.
Chronically sprained ankles leftuntreatedleave the ligaments stretched or torn andlead toinstability of the ankle. Also each ankle spraincandamage the joint leading to early arthritis. Becauseanklesprains are so common they often get overlooked,but nottreating them correctly can lead to longtermdamage.