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Moreover, can tapioca give you cancer?
Bubble Tea Tapioca Pearls May ContainCancer-Causing Chemicals, German Study Claims.Ranging in toxicity, PCBs have been shown to cause cancer,as well as a variety of other adverse health effects on the immunesystem, reproductive system, nervous system and endocrine system,the government site continues.
Beside above, are tapioca pearls bad for you?
Tapioca pearls contain mostly carbohydrates fromstarch and have little nutritional value. A cup of pearlscontains 540 calories, so adding ¼ cup of them to milk teatranslates into an additional 135 calories. As with sugary drinks,consuming boba tea too often might undermine an otherwise healthydiet.
Boba = Tapioca Pearls = CassavaRoot If you thought its lack of nutrients was bad, get this:cassava can be toxic when eaten raw. The tapiocastarch has to be detoxified before consumption due to its levels ofcyanide, a toxic compound that when ingested can causeheadaches, nausea, vomiting, and evenparalysis.