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This popular home remedy may also calm anangrytummy. A mixture of one tablespoon apple cider vinegar,onecup warm water, and one tablespoon honey willeaseindigestion and may alleviate cramping and gas in yourupsetstomach. It can also lessen discomfort causedbyheartburn.
Likewise, what kind of tea is good for an upset stomach?
Here are 9 teas to soothe an upset stomach.
- Green tea. Green tea has been heavily researched for itsmanypotential health benefits ( 1 ).
- Ginger tea. Ginger tea is made by boiling ginger rootinwater.
- Peppermint tea.
- Black tea.
- Fennel tea.
- Licorice tea.
- Chamomile tea.
- Holy basil tea.
- Drinking water. Dehydration can increase the likelihood ofanupset stomach.
- Avoiding lying down.
- Ginger.
- Mint.
- Taking a warm bath or using a heating bag.
- BRAT diet.
- Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Avoiding difficult-to-digest foods.
Beside above, is hot tea good for upset stomach?
Green Tea. Try our Happy TummyTea—ablend of chamomile, lemongrass, and ginger—toheal upsetstomach fast.
Soothes an Upset Stomach Peppermint tea is sometimes referred to as"thestomach healer" because it is known to soothemanygastrointestinal ailments, including stomachaches,stomach pains, stomach cramps,heartburn,gas/flatulence, indigestion and diarrhea, and to promotehealthydigestion.