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Asked by: Sandy Blumfeld
events and attractions theater venues and eventsIs the Central West End Safe?
Central West End is safer than 39% of the citiesin the Missouri. In Central West End you have a 1 in 15chance of becoming a victim of any crime.
Furthermore, where is the most dangerous part of St Louis?
Here Are The 13 Most Dangerous Places In St. Louis AfterDark
- Downtown St. Louis.
- The Central West End. Paul Sableman/flickr.
- Dutchtown. Paul Sableman/flickr.
- Downtown St. Louis West.
- Tower Grove South. Paul Sableman/flickr.
- Baden. Paul Sableman/flickr.
- Wells and Goodfellow. Paul Sableman/flickr.
- Carondelet. Paul Sableman/flickr.
Also know, what are the bad parts of St Louis?
Here are the 10 worst neighborhoods in St. Louis accordingto data:
- Hyde Park.
- Fairground Neighborhood.
- College Hill.
- Fountain Park.
- Hamilton Heights.
- Jeffvanderlou.
- North Riverfront.
- Wells-Goodfellow.
Yes.Overall, safety in St. Louis is no differentthan any other urban area.