Asked by: Yuping Pinhoo
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Is the narrator reliable in The Pit and the Pendulum?

Edgar Allen Poe's " The Pit and the Pendulum" presents the narrator as valid, but also unreliable. The narrator is valid because his story relates to the history of the Spanish Inquisition but unreliable because of his mental state.

In respect to this, what happened to the narrator in The Pit and the Pendulum?

The Pit and the Pendulum. Like many of Poe's stories, “The Pit and the Pendulum” is a dramatic monologue. Sentenced to death by the Spanish Inquisition, the imprisoned narrator finds himself in absolute darkness, in danger of falling to his death into a pit in the centre of the cell.

what point of view is used in the pit and the pendulum? “The Pit and the Pendulum” is written from a first-person point of view, in which the narrator uses such pronouns as I and me.

Also asked, what is the narrator describing in The Pit and the Pendulum?

The story is about the torments endured by a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition, though Poe skews historical facts. The narrator of the story describes his experience of being tortured.

Why is the narrator of The Pit and the Pendulum happy he falls on his face?

The narrator of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum" is a prisoner who is being tortured and tormented as part of the Spanish Inquisition. He tells us that he is in a room, in the dark, and he is obviously being watched by his inquisitors.

Related Question Answers

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What is the main theme of the pit and the pendulum?

The themes, or main ideas, of ''The Pit and the Pendulum'' surround death, fear, and time. The narrator's death sentence is a terrible shock, but death itself seems preferable to the torturous fear that he is forced to endure. Still, in the end, the will to live takes over and forces him to fight for his life.

Bentchey Genebra


How did the pit and the pendulum end?

Ostensibly, the ending occurs when the French army invades Toledo and the narrator is saved from tumbling into the deadly pit at the very last moment by General Lasalle, who catches him just as he is about to fall. It was that of General Lasalle.

Gados Zoe


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The pit is a symbol of suffering and, even more clearly, of death. Before he entered this cell, the narrator had heard rumors of the pit as the ultimate, most horrifying torture inflicted on victims of the Inquisition. At one point he actually calls it a symbol of hell.

Faraji Sparringa


What is the climax of the pit and pendulum?

The climax of "The Pit and the Pendulum" occurs when the walls close in on the narrator, then retract just as a hand reaches out to save him from falling into the pit.

Tanase Wemhoff


What event is the setting of the pit and the pendulum?

'The Pit and the Pendulum' is set in a prison cell in Toledo, Spain, during the Spanish Inquisition.

Agurtzane Winklmeier


What do the rats symbolize in The Pit and the Pendulum?

Equally important, Poe uses the wild rats as a representation of death, decay, horror, and torture. Poe makes it apparent that rats appall the narrator, bringing forth the reason one may believe they stand for man's greatest fears.

Cyrus Gaugg


How does the narrator discover the pit?

After awakening from a drug induced sleep, he found himself strapped down to a wooden platform with a pendulum swinging above him. He used the food to lure the rats from the pit to chew through the ropes that held him.

Quyen Ciurea


How does the narrator determine the depth of the pit?

How does the narrator determine the depth of the pit? He throws a piece of masonry down the pit and listens to it as it hits the side and drops to the bottom.

Onorina Garside


What is the conflict in the pit and the pendulum?

The external conflict is dealing with all the torture and misery the narrator goes through. The pit and the pendulum are both part of the external conflict. The internal conflict is what was going through the narrators mind. His mind's imagination started to take over and he had the conflict of going mad or crazy.

Nahum Oppo


Who is the protagonist in the pit and pendulum?

The Narrator
Poe's narrator makes for an interesting hero, seeing as he really can't do much other than survive. He's a powerless protagonist from the very beginning, and though he fights to free himself from the various evil machinations of the Inquisition, even then he realizes that he can't win.

Sanya Renpening


What is the most suspenseful moment in The Pit and the Pendulum?

The part of The Pit and the Pendulum that I always find the most suspenseful is the part about the pendulum. It starts with the narrator noticing that the painting of Time on the ceiling had a pendulum instead of scythe, and then, although he is not sure, he thinks he sees the pendulum moving.

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How are the walls designed to force the narrator into the pit?

The walls of the narrator's prison are not attached to the floor or ceiling. That means that the walls themselves can move independently from the rest of the room. They change angle and make the room take on the shape of a pill or "lozenge." In an instant the apartment had shifted its form into that of a lozenge.

Ekain Martin Rubio


What is the famous first line of the pit and the pendulum?

What is the famous first line of this story? I was sick-sick unto death with that long agony

Fuencisla Loural


What is the purpose of the pit and the pendulum?

Weird. Published by Edgar Allan Poe in 1843, "The Pit and the Pendulum" tells the story of a man who's sentenced to death and tortured by the Spanish Inquisition, using – among other things – a razor sharp pendulum that will cut him right in half.

Sirine Derkachenko


How does the sentencing at the beginning of the story affect the narrator?

How does the sentencing at the beginning of the story affect the narrator? The narrator becomes faint and starts hallucinating, preferring his own delusions to the awareness of his fate. D. The narrator becomes instantly depressed and does nothing to resist his captors, longing for his death and an end to his misery.

Konstantina Aure


What does the narrator fear the most in the pit and the pendulum?

The numerous fears to which he is exposed - including the dark, rats, claustrophobia, and death - create agony, but can all be overcome. Throughout the ordeal, the narrator is keenly aware that he is fighting against the clock, as we all are.

Gines Pohmelkin


What is in the pit in pit and pendulum?

Like many of Poe's stories, “The Pit and the Pendulum” is a dramatic monologue. Sentenced to death by the Spanish Inquisition, the imprisoned narrator finds himself in absolute darkness, in danger of falling to his death into a pit in the centre of the cell.

Onesimo Aura


What time period is the Pit and the Pendulum?

Time Period
Because the General Lasalle mentioned at the end of the story was a historical figure who died in 1809, we know that 'The Pit and the Pendulum' takes place in 1808, when the Inquisition was stopped for the first time (it took two more attempts and twenty-six more years before it was permanently ended).