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Asked by: Erlantz Lainsa
technology and computing tablets and e readersIs the Nook discontinued?
Keeping this in consideration, is there a new nook coming out?
It will be available in stores starting onMonday,May 27th, and online starting Wednesday, May 29th, and willretailfor $199.99. The company says that this larger Nookwill havea 7.8-inch E Ink display, which should be an appealingupgrade forreaders — the regular Nook GlowLight 3comeswith a 6-inch screen.
Subsequently, question is, is Barnes and Noble stopping the Nook?
Barnes & Noble is looking tocurtailits manufacturing of most of the Nook devices.Barnes& Noble will stop manufacturing itsownNook tablets, marking the end of its expensive attempttocompete alone with deep-pocketed rivals, AppleandGoogle in the tablet wars.
Barnes & Noble is offering a $30 discount onitslatest a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook to some customerswhotrade in their old Nooks. Through Jan. 17 ofnextyear, the retailer will accept used models of the Nook1stEdition, Nook Color and Nook Tablet for storecredit.If the devices work, Barnes & Noble willtakethem.